アニメのすべてが、ここにある。 AnimeJapan 2024




  1. 法令の遵守一般社団法人アニメジャパン(以下「アニメジャパン」)は、個人情報(特定の個人を識別できるもの。以下も同様とします。)を取り扱う際に、個人情報の保護に関する法律をはじめ個人情報保護に関する諸法令、および主務大臣のガイドラインに定められた義務、並びに本ポリシーを遵守します。
  2. 利用目的の範囲内での利用アニメジャパンは、あらかじめご本人の同意を得た場合、および法令により認められた場合を除き、以下の利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内でのみ個人情報を取り扱います。
  3. 個人情報の取得アニメジャパンは、あらかじめ利用目的、共同利用者の範囲等の必要な情報を明示し、ご本人の同意を得たうえで個人情報を取得するよう努めます。
  4. 15歳未満のお客様の個人情報アニメジャパンは、15歳未満のお客様から個人情報を取得する可能性がある場合、保護者のご同意のもとにご提供いただけるよう明示したうえで取得する等、個人情報の取り扱いに関し、特別の配慮を行います。
  5. 安全管理措置アニメジャパンは、お預かりした個人情報を利用目的の範囲内で正確・最新の内容に保つよう努め、不正なアクセス、漏えい、改ざん、滅失、き損等を防止するため、現時点での技術水準に合わせた必要かつ適切な安全管理措置を講じ、必要に応じて是正してまいります。
  6. 委託先の監督アニメジャパンは、利用目的の達成に必要な範囲内において、お預かりした個人情報の取り扱いを第三者に委託する場合があります。これらの第三者は、個人情報の取り扱いにつき、十分なセキュリティ水準にあることを確認のうえ選定し、契約等を通じて、必要かつ適切な監督を行います。
  7. 第三者への提供アニメジャパンは、法令により認められた場合を除き、ご本人の同意を得ることなく、第三者に個人情報を提供しません。
  8. ご意見・ご相談への対応アニメジャパンは、個人情報の開示、訂正、利用(商品やサービスの紹介)の停止、消去その他の個人情報の取り扱いに関するご意見やお問い合わせに対し、法令の規定に基づき、適切に対応します。

Handling of Personal Information

AnimeJapan Organization deeply recognizes that your personal information is important information that constitutes your privacy. When handling personal information, AnimeJapan Organization will thoroughly comply with applicable laws and regulations, social ethics, international standards and guidelines to ensure the protection of your personal information. In addition, AnimeJapan Organization will ensure that every related member is fully aware of our responsibilities and is able to act accordingly.

  1. Compliance with Laws and RegulationsWhen handling information that can identify a specific individual (“Personal Information”), AnimeJapan Organization will comply with laws and regulations related to the protection of Personal Information, including the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, obligations stipulated in applicable ministerial guidelines, and this Privacy Policy.
  2. Use within the Scope of the Purpose of UseAnimeJapan Organization will only use Personal Information to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use below, unless the prior consent of the customer is obtained, or except as permitted by law:
    Purpose of Use:
    (i) Customer management for customers who purchase tickets for paid areas;
    (ii) Creation of statistical data without identifying individuals; and
    (iii) Sending information about upcoming AnimeJapan-related events.
  3. Obtaining Personal InformationAnimeJapan Organization will endeavor to clearly notify necessary information, such as the purpose of use and the scope of companies with which AnimeJapan2021 will share Personal Information, and obtain the customer’s prior consent when obtaining Personal Information.
  4. Personal Information of Customers Under Fifteen (15) Years OldIf there is a possibility that Personal Information will be obtained from a customer under the age of 15, AnimeJapan Organization will give special consideration for the handling of Personal Information, such as obtaining Personal Information after indicating that it must be provided with the consent of a guardian.
  5. Security Control MeasuresAnimeJapan Organization will endeavor to keep the stored Personal Information accurate and up to date within the scope of the purpose of use, and will take necessary and appropriate security control measures in accordance with the current level of technology to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, alteration, loss, damage, etc., and will take corrective measures as necessary.
  6. Supervision of SubcontractorsAnimeJapan Organization may subcontract the handling of stored Personal Information to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use. AnimeJapan Organization will select these third parties after confirming that their handling of Personal Information is at adequate security levels, and will perform necessary and proper supervision of such third parties by such means as contracts.
  7. Provision to Third PartiesAnimeJapan Organization will not provide Personal Information to any third party without the consent of the customer, except as permitted by law.
  8. Response to Opinions and ConsultationsAnimeJapan Organization will respond appropriately to opinions and inquiries regarding the disclosure, correction, suspension of use (e.g., introductions of products and services), deletion, and other handling of Personal Information in accordance with laws and regulations.